  • You can now compare two metrics on the same graph on a given post! This is great if you want to visualize correlations between two metrics, such as
    Video Views
  • You can now customize the metrics exported from a single post!
  • Exports now a snazzy new select all/none option per platform.
  • We now adapt y-axis scales on graphs. 1k, 1M, 1B, oh my!
  • Post ID is now always included in exports.
  • Selections on the post list now persist if you click into a given post and navigate back to the post list.
  • Facebook post IDs no longer round up or down in exports.
  • If browsing to the next/previous post from within a given post, clicking the back button to navigate back to the post list now works as intended.
  • Hourly graphs for Instagram stories data are once again clickable.