  • We added support for Twitter! Now you can link your Twitter accounts, track their data, and benchmark tweet performance. We're also calculating awesome metrics you can't get in-app, such as estimated video watch time and average view duration. Click over to
    Manage Social Accounts
    to add your Twitter accounts now!
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  • Mobile filters are now completely redesigned for easier use! Bigger buttons, better user feedback, oh my!
  • We have a fancy new account registration page that explains what we do better.
  • We show a message when we're missing access to fetch and display revenue data for a given eligible YouTube or Facebook account, and the option to disabled it in the case that you do not monetize your account
  • We now auto-remind your invited team members via email to register if they never set up their account.
  • We now auto-remind you via email if you forget to confirm your email account during set up.
  • Missing revenue data access for social media accounts are now consolidated and much less annoying.
  • The period picker in the single post view had a boo boo that's all better.
  • Scrolling now happens as expected on mobile Chrome